Instantbird 1.4

Instantbird 1.4 was already available in 14 languages, thanks to the contributions from our translators around the world, and we look forward to see this number grow with your help!


Instantbird gira su piattaforme Windows, Mac OS X e Linux.

Controlla i requisiti minimi di sistema necessari per usare Instantbird.

Lingua Versione Windows Mac OS X Linux
Ceco 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Tedesco 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Inglese 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Spagnolo 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Estone 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Francese 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Italiano 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Olandese 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Polacco 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Portoghese brasiliano 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Russo 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Slovacco 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Svedese 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica
Ucraino 1.4 Scarica Scarica Scarica

Scarica il codice sorgente

Instantbird è un progetto open source, puoi liberamente scaricare il codice sorgente e modificarlo.

What's new?

  • The log viewer now groups your conversations by date.
  • Twitter improvements
    • The character counter for Twitter has been improved to take into account automatic link shortening, allowing you to easily tweet links without worrying about their length!
    • Updated to the Twitter API v1.1, note that Instantbird 1.3 may stop working with Twitter on June 11th, 2013!
    • Twitter now includes everyone you follow as a participant in your timeline.
  • IRC authentication works better with bouncers (e.g. ZNC).
  • You can now easily override self-signed/invalid/out-of-date certificates for IRC servers.
  • Each account now keeps debug logs which can be accessed by right clicking on the account in the Account Manager and choosing "Copy Debug Logs", these contain essential information for developers to diagnose user issues. (Note that debug logs MAY contain sensitive information.)
  • Under the Hood
    • Updated: Instantbird 1.4 is based on Mozilla 20.0.1 and uses libpurple 2.10.7!
    • Mac OS X < 10.6 is no longer supported, please upgrade your operating system or continue using Instantbird 1.3.
  • And more... read the full ChangeLog for details of all code changes since Instantbird 1.3.

Versioni precedenti

Entra nell' archivio per scaricare le versioni precedenti di Instantbird.